Why you checkin this not so promotional text

2.Why are libraries the tallest buildings in the world?

Because they have a lot of stories!

3.What do you call a witch that lives on a beach?

A sandwich!

1.Spell Icup and then spell Imp.


What kind of pie looks the best?

A Q-T pie

How do we know they had fruit onboard the ark?

Because the animals went in pairs (pears).

What comes after cheese?


If 10 birds were sitting on a powerline and you shot one, how many would be left?

None. The others would all fly away.

What has the head of a cat, the tail of a cat—but is not a cat?

A kitten

What is gray, has four legs, big ears, a tail, and a trunk?

A mouse going on vacation.

Why should you take a ruler to bed?

To see how long you slept.

What has 18 legs and catches flies?

A baseball team.